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Welcome to Rajasthan Shikshak Prashiksan vidyapeeth

B.Ed Library of Rajasthan Shikshak Prashiksan vidyapeeth was established in the year 1967. From its inception the library has developed as a separate and indispensable unit for B.Ed, Shiksha shastri, BSTC, B.A-B.Ed Department. Till date B.Ed Library has 29890 books. It subscribes to 17 educational journals, 38 periodicals/ magazines and 6 daily newspapers. B.Ed. Library caters to subjects like Education, Bengali, English, Hindi, History, Geography, Mathematics, Economics, Work Education. There are books on Art & Craft, General Encyclopedia (37), Dictionary, Subject Encyclopedia, Subject Dictionary, different pictorial Encyclopedias, and a variety of Reference books. Wall maps, CDs also feature in the library’s collection.

B.Ed library has an air conditioned reading room with issue-return counter, librarian’s desk and sitting arrangement for 150 users.

  • Library orientation programme
  • Leading service
  • Reference service, reading room service
  • Computer printout from selected website for teachers only
  • Referral service

Planning for computerization for B.Ed. Library was initiated in the year 2010. Date entry has started for library documents from 2010. Time to time library stock checking is done. There is a magazine rack where current magazines are displayed. Back dated magazines and newspapers are preserved for a particular time frame. Educational journals are displayed on the reading room table for easy access to the users. Users are guided by the librarian for important and currents topics which are relevant for their syllabus. Back volumes are kept in different racks.

Books are catalogued in computer. The facility of computerised catalogue search for the books are given within the library.

In B.Ed. library student enjoy the facility of lending service from Monday to Saturday. They can keep the books with them for fourteen (14) Days. The library provides open access facility in reading room. Besides this, the user (student and staff) can avail of photocopy services.

Library hours are 10.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. from Monday to Saturday.

New Arrivals

Top-Circulating Books

Prose and Fiction Poetry And Drama Prose and Fiction English Literature Poetry And Drama Rajasthan Ka Itihas राजस्थान का इतिहास प्रारम्भ से 1956 ई ज्ञान ओर पाठ्यक्रम	 Gyan Evam Pathykram प्रतिनिधि भारतीय राजनितिक विचारक भारत का इतिहास प्रारम्भ से 1200 ई  Bharat Ka Itihas ज्ञान एवं पाठ्यक्रम भाग-1 बाल्यावस्था और विकास Balyavastha Aur Vikas मध्यकालीन भारत का इतिहास 1200 से 1761 Madhykaleen Bharat Ka Itihas 1200 se 1761 General English प्रमुख राजनीतिक व्यवस्थाएँ अधिगम एव  शिक्षण राजस्थान का भूगोल Rajasthan Ka Bhoogol शांति शिक्षा Shanti Shiksha अनुदेशनात्मक प्रणाली एवं शैक्षिक मूल्यांकन पाठ्यचर्या में भाषा	 Pathycharya me Bhasha समावेशी शिक्षा  , Samavise Sikasha Foundations of political science

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